Nico Bertoloni Meli, "Beyond inertia: Rethinking Mechanics and Motion in the 17th Century"

Over the last few decades studies on seventeenth-century mechanics and motion have focused on a range of themes, the single most prominent one being the study of laws of nature. In my work I adopt a different perspective centered on the objects of investigation, such as the inclined plane, the pendulum, the string, and colliding bodies, for example. I argue that this perspective allows us to reconsider in a fresh light issues such as the role of experiments and the mathematization of nature. My focus on objects does not lead to an exclusion of laws, however, but helps us to reconsider their origin and modes of operation.

Mary Terrall, "Vis viva Revisited"

The vis viva controversy is a canonical site for analysing irreconcilable philosophical positions in early-modern physics. Viewed in light of subsequent formulations of the concepts of energy and momentum, the endless wrangling of the participants reduces to confusion, and not much else. What more can be said about this controversy, disdainfully characterized in 1743 by d'Alembert (among others) as "a dispute of words too undignified to occupy philosophers any longer"? This paper looks at the trajectory of the dispute from the point of view of the alliances and antipathies connecting and dividing the antagonists, particularly in the period from the 1720s to the early 1740s. These relations were governed by philosophical commitments, to be sure, but also by competing mathematical techniques. Tensions in institutional and personal allegiances were played out in academic prize essays, in the periodical press and in books. The controversy simmered for many years within the small international community of mathematicians, flaring up occasionally into more or less vitriolic arguments that were never resolved. It bubbled over into greater public visibility when Emilie Du Chtelet and Voltaire entered the fray in the 1740s. By this time, the arcana of 17th-century dynamics had become the stuff of Enlightenment posturing. Why did Voltaire care about this question? Why did he think his public would care? And why were others, arguably more mathematically astute, focusing on other physical laws and concepts altogether? Inspired by these questions, the paper investigates the interests and motivations at play at several key moments in the complex history of this dispute.

Michael Friedman, "Physics, Philosophy, and the Foundations of Geometry"

The development of Einstein's theory of relativity against the background of late nineteenth century work on the foundations of geometry provides an unsurpassed example of the multiple levels of interaction between physics, mathematics, and philosophical reflection on the two. On the one hand, Einstein's creation of the general theory of relativity was essentially mediated by his own philosophical engagement with earlier reflections on the foundations of geometry by Helmholtz and Poincare (which reflection was itself intimately related, of course, to the nineteenth century development of non-Euclidean geometries). On the other hand, this same interrelated series of developments, culminating in Einstein's work, was taken by logical empiricist philosophers to support a characteristically twentieth century version of geometrical conventionalism. This philosophical conclusion ultimately proved to be incoherent, but seeing this in detail reveals the incredible richness of mutual interaction between physics, mathematics, and philosophy that actually resulted in Einstein's theory.

Mark Wilson, "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Formalism"

Hilbert's sixth problem requests an axiomatic formulation of classical mechanics, with special attention to the question of how competing foundational ideas might be reconciled. In the context of its time, this constituted a quite reasonable request but how should we look at these matters today? It seems to me there are clear reasons why a formalism of the sort desired can't be produced and the salient considerations offer interesting morals for the philosophy of language. I'll look at this question in the context of Duhem's complaints about the practices of physicists such as Lord Kelvin.

Brad Bassler, The Parafinite and the Natural World

I look at a tradition of attempts, beginning with Galileo, Descartes and Leibniz, to develop a notion of the mathematically indefinitely large, which I refer to as the parafinite. The development of the parafinite, whether understood as neither finite nor infinite (Galileo), as closely associated with the infinite (Descartes), or as infinite (Leibniz), emerged in conjunction with a need to find mathematical descriptions of various aspects of the natural world. Two issues are deeply interwoven: the mathematical need for resolutive adequacy, i.e. the requirement that mathematical tools be sufficiently powerful to solve mathematical problems, and the need for descriptive adequacy, in particular for the description of the natural world. In a contemporary setting, the investigation of the parafinite has been reinitiated, in part, in attempts to provide contemporary characterizations of the Leibnizian parafinite. I consider two: the description of Leibnizian infinitesimals by Robinson and Lakatos in terms of non-standard analysis, and by Shaughan Lavine in terms of Mycielski's "analysis without actual infinity." The latter approach is more fruitful than the former, not least because it opens new possibilities for addressing questions about the relation between mathematical description and the world it describes, which I briefly illustrate in the context of recent work in chaotic dynamics.

Jordi Cat, "Representation as Theory: How and Why Mathematical Representation Makes a Difference in Physical Theory"

It is typically argued, or taken for granted, that the meaning of physical theories is wholly contained in their physical formalism or collection of models. Purely mathematical formalism is relegated to the status of an uninterpreted formal calculus whose different versions are merely different linguistic formulations of an essentially non-linguistic physical theory, itself centered around dynamical equations. In this paper, I explore the notion that in mathematical formalism itself we can distinguish purely symbolic from non-symbolic content; this distinction has important consequences for our understanding of physical theory and phenomena. Between empty formal computational rules and dynamical equations, there exists a range of hybrids, namely, constitutive abstract physical models.

These models, considered as mediating representations and not as mere formal structure, can shape, guide, and enrich the story that theories tell about phenomena. I list a number of examples and focus on some related to the history of field theories, for example: the application of synthetic quaternionic and vector representations of equations alongside Cartesian representation of components, the application of differential equations as emblematic of contiguous action, the dynamical interpretation of differential operators, and the Eulerian and the Lagrangian representations of hydrodynamics. Finally, I suggest that being mindful of these kinds of representations and their variability may provide a powerful heuristic in the exploration and development of future physics.

John Norton, "Einstein and the Canon of Mathematical Simplicity"

Einstein proclaimed that we could discover true laws of nature by seeking those with the simplest mathematical formulation. He came to this viewpoint later in his life. In his early years and work he was quite hostile to this idea. Einstein did not develop his later Platonism from a priori reasoning or aesthetic considerations. He learned the canon of mathematical simplicity from his own experiences in the discovery of new theories, most importantly, his discovery of general relativity. Through his neglect of the canon, he realized that he delayed the completion of general relativity by three years and nearly lost priority in discovery of its gravitational field equations.

Andrew Warwick, "University education and the history of mathematical physics in the longue duree"

From its beginnings in the middle decades of the seventeenth century, the new discipline of 'physico-mathematics' rapidly became extremely technical. Although most of its practitioners were university educated, the discipline itself did not fit easily into a university curriculum intended to provide a general education, and based mainly on oral techniques of teaching and examining. In this paper I shall explore how mathematical physicists (from 'physico-mathematicians' to 'theoretical physicists') learned their craft, and how they passed on their knowledge from one generation to another. Taking Cambridge University as my example, I shall pay special attention to the decades around 1800, when the mathematician's esoteric knowledge became central to undergraduate studies. How did this transformation alter the practice of the mathematical sciences and what can we learn from it about the nature of mathematical knowledge?

Michael Dickson, "Bohr's Attitude Towards Mathematical Formalism"

As early as 1915 Niels Bohr attempted to provide a "formally consistent theory", or "a general foundation", of quantum mechanics, as it was known at the time. Four more or less physically motivated 'axioms' (Bohr calls them 'assumptions') formed the heart of his proposed foundation. Bohr quickly realized that they were too limited in scope, and of course quantum theory had to wait until 1925 (or 1932, depending on how you count) for a true theoretical unification, in the form of Heisenberg's matrix mechanics and Schrödinger's wave mechanics (or as they were themselves unified in von Neumann's Hilbert space mechanics).

Bohr is often dealt quite a harsh blow for not appreciating the mathematical work of Heisenberg, Schrödinger, Dirac, Jordan, and others who forged the mathematical consolidation of the old quantum theory, and the contrast in character between his 'physical' axioms of 1915 and their 'mathematical' axioms of the 1920s might be construed as evidence that Bohr was after something quite different from what they produced. Indeed he was. However, this fact alone does not entail that Bohr failed to appreciate the importance of the mathematization of quantum theory that occurred in the 1920s. I will argue that in fact Bohr absorbed this mathematization into his own view of quantum theory, and developed a fairly sophisticated view of the relationship between mathematical formalism and physical theory as a result.


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