Choose The Correct Answer And Comlete The Sentenses.       

1 .      Let's ..................... a snowman!
A) make                 B) is making               C) making                     D) can making

2 .

................. lessons have you got ................ tuesday?

A) What - the        B) How many - on      C) When - a                   D) Which - in

3 . In ...................,  the weather is cold and snowy.

A) January            B) April                         C) July                          D) October

4 . " Can you see Ata and Salih? "      " No, can't see .................."
A) they                  B) their                          C) you                          D) them
5 . Sinem lives ..................... 5, Atatürk Streat ..................... Girne.
A) in - at               B) at - in                       C) on - in                       D) in - in
6 . I cant carry this bag. It's very ....................
A) fat                    B) strong                      C) tall                            D) heavy                    
7 . " ........................... trousers are these? "   " they are Ali's " 
A) Who                 B) Who is                    C) Who's                     D) Whose
8 . Today is .......................... . It's the weekend.
A) Monday            B) Wednesday          C) Friday                     D) Saturday
9 . My birthday is......................... the 10th  of March.
A) in                       B) on                           C) at                           D) of
10. " What is on the table? "    " ................... of flour and ................ eggs. " 
A) A packet - an  B) A tin - four             C) A packet some    D) Some - an
11. ....................... some honey in the tin.
A) There are        B) Their are               C) They're                  D) There is
12. The wind is  .................... but the  ................ is shining. It's a ................. day.
A) blowing - rain - snowy                        B) raining - sun - shiny
C) blowing - sun - hot                              D) falling - sun shiny
13. He can answer all questions. He is very ...............
A) terrible           B) dangerous               C) clever                   D) hungry
14. Don't .......................... the box!
A) open             B) opening                     C) opens                  D) is open
15. How much are the pencils?
A) They're red.                                         B) They're 50,000 TL.
C) They're on the table                           D) They are 12 cm.
Read the passage and answer questions 16 - 20.
           Today is Sunday. We are going to the zoo. My brother is driving the car. My father is sitting next to my brother in the front. My sister, my mother and I are sitting in the back. We are looking through the window. We can see trees and houses.
16. Where are they going?
A) to the park   B) to the zoo                C) to school               D) to a hotel
17. Who's driving the car?
A) the brother  B) the father                C) the mother              D) the sister
18. What can they see through the window?

A) the zoo       B) cars                         C) houses                   D) people


How many people are there in the car?

A) five              B) four                         C) three                       D) six


Which one is correct?

A) My father is sitting in the back.
B) My mother is sitting next to my father.
C) My brother is driving the car.
D) My sister is sitting in the front.